Wow, I cant believe it is January 2, 2013!!! I haven't posted a thing in awhile-- partly because I haven't been inspired and partly because I have been so consumed with my little ball of energy, Quinn. I guess this post will just be a "lets see what happens" post as I still am not all too inspired. I need something to make me feel real passionate...someone piss me off please!! Just kidding, please don't. I would like to say that I am going to start the New Year off right, and try to have a better attitude, healthier lifestyle, yada yada yada; Truth is I don't buy into New Years resolutions. I don't need a day to excuse my laziness and procrastination while I am waiting for that day to approach so I can change. If something that I am doing is dragging me down, I change it ASAP. I'm not necessarily graceful in the change, but I guess the action and willingness to be honest about where I stand with that "needed"change is far better than telling myself the lie that sets us all up to fail "I will NEVER do that again." Saying "never" for me is just an invitation to binge on whatever it is that I am trying to swear off, whether its bad behavior, or chocolate cake.
On the flip side of that if I say "I am going to run 5 miles a day every day this week", I'll probably run 15 and get defiant at myself, rebelling at the standard I just tried to set. My everyday resolution is to just be realistic, and be willing to tell myself the truth--not make up excuses for why I just went back on my "commitment to a new life." As I have mentioned before (I think), I am a personal trainer. Between my clients, and my own personal endeavors with fitness, and healthy lifestyles, I have seen only LONG TERM success with those who kept a realistic attitude, and became a partner with themselves instead of an enemy to themselves. I see people become their own enemies everyday...hell, I do it sometimes! They beat themselves up because they ate a piece of cake, or didn't go to the gym, whatever whatever. Guilt and self hatred always become the victors in this battle. When you are in a partnership with yourself, you have a much better chance at following through with good behavior and action. If you pay attention to yourself, you will know when to push yourself and when to take it easy on yourself.
I recently read a book called "Intuitive Eating" One of the focuses of the book is to come to a place where you view "bad food" in the same light as "good food". Meaning, an average person wouldn't feel guilty about eating a peach, or broccoli, etc. Yet when we eat a "bad food" like cake, pizza, CAKE etc. we go into a mode of guilt and self hatred. Most of this is a mental solution...allow yourself the cake and in turn you wont obsess about it. Easier said than done, and there is much more clinical information regarding this that I am definitely not qualified to talk about. Read the book, or talk to a dietitian.
Let me get back to my point since I always need to go off on a tangent. Bring it back sister! OK, I tried this exercise of allowing myself cake (cake is/was my guilty, bad, no no food). It took a few months, and I swear to you I made a new cake every week. The exercise was a success thus far. Allowing myself to have cake whenever I want, has made it a non-delicacy for me. I can honestly tell you that I can take it or leave it. I know it will be there if I want it, so the NEED has been removed and replaced with WANT (when and if). What a freedom. The big thing that happened for me was that my greatest fear attached to eating cake did not come true! I did not gain a pound. I actually lost weight. My exercise did not increase in intensity on the days I ate cake (everyday I will have you know.) My exercises are intense to begin with on most days, but that is only because that is the type of workout I like to do. I don't like to waste time. I don't have a lot of it to begin with. So whats the point of all this mumbo jumbo? I am going to sound like a cheeseball for a minute, but I cant help it sometimes....become your #1 nurturer and buddy!! Get rid of the devil sitting on your shoulder, and squash him all kinds of up. The only thing that attitude gets you is failure. Be realistic with yourself and you may actually find success in areas that have been stunting you for so long.
So I guess I was passionate about something after all....
This is probably a good post to put a plug in of my new business endeavor. My good friend and now business partner and I are starting a "Healthy Living" program/business. Erica (my friend and partner) is a Registered Dietitian and I am as mentioned a Certified Personal Trainer. We are still hammering out details, but are accepting clients currently. We offer nutritional counseling services, and fitness plans. It should be very exciting as we hammer though. Erica is the sweetest and most genuine person that I know, and I am absolutely thrilled and honored that she wants to team up with me. She is so awesome.
Happy New Year!!!